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Mobile makeup artist - Aberdeen and other areas

Are you looking for a good makeup artist and stylist but it is difficult to find someone trusted in your neighborhood? Try Backstage Studio that has a mobile makeup artist. Aberdeen is the main location of this trustworthy company and the core of it is Marta Morawiecka - a stylist that trained with the best makeup experts. She cooperated with many known photographers, artists and designers as well as modeling agencies and individual clients. To create a beautiful makeup, the stylist needs to have talent, passion for work and of course good equipment. Backstage Studio provides the best products of high-end brands. Remember, Marta is an mobile makeup artist. Aberdeen and neighborhood is not only area she offers her services. If you live near London, Edinburg or Glasgow, don"t hesitate and call Backstage Studio. Here you can count on professional makeup services but also styling, photo sessions and various courses. Don"t wait, just contact Backstage Studio now and learn more about their offer.

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